2024 VSGA Amateur/State Open of Virginia Qualifier | Danville GC Tee Sheet

Danville GC - Thu, May 30

Danville Golf Club - Archived on 09-11-2024 / VSGA AM/Open
Time Players
Danville Golf Club - Archived on 09-11-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Adam Marshall Falling River Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:30 AM VSGA AM/Open Chandler Runk / Raleigh Powell
Addison Lawrence VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:00 AM VSGA AM/Open James Corbin / Ryan Meadows
Anthony Dillon Fincastle
2 Spots
8:10 AM VSGA AM/Open Mark Dill / Rand Stinson
Austin White Chatmoss Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:20 AM VSGA AM/Open Carter Wolfe / Cole Williams
Benjamin Ailsworth Boonsboro Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:30 AM VSGA AM/Open Jack Adkins / Rusty Hooks
Blake Carter Chatmoss Country Club
2 Spots
9:40 AM VSGA AM/Open John Ferguson / Uzair Mirza
Bradley Taylor Goodyear Golf Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:50 AM VSGA AM/Open Jake Hardy / Solomon Park
Cameron Sharp Blacksburg Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:20 AM VSGA AM/Open Grayden Laird / Patrick Pritt
Carter Wolfe USGA/VSGA GC
2 Spots
8:20 AM VSGA AM/Open Austin White / Cole Williams
Chandler Runk Ivy Hill Golf Club
2 Spots
8:30 AM VSGA AM/Open Adam Marshall / Raleigh Powell
Cody Cox VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
3 Spots
9:10 AM VSGA AM/Open Michael Fairbank / Patrick Burhop
Cole Williams Independence Golf Club
2 Spots
8:20 AM VSGA AM/Open Austin White / Carter Wolfe
Connor Boughton The Water's Edge Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:40 AM VSGA AM/Open Jackson Gulley / Jay Carr
Cutter Harvey The Water's Edge Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:00 AM VSGA AM/Open JD Cunningham / Josh Cummins
Grayden Laird VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:20 AM VSGA AM/Open Cameron Sharp / Patrick Pritt
JD Cunningham Halifax Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:00 AM VSGA AM/Open Cutter Harvey / Josh Cummins
Jack Adkins Chatmoss Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:30 AM VSGA AM/Open Benjamin Ailsworth / Rusty Hooks
Jackson Gulley VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:40 AM VSGA AM/Open Connor Boughton / Jay Carr
Jake Hardy Tuscarora Country Club
2 Spots
8:50 AM VSGA AM/Open Bradley Taylor / Solomon Park
James Corbin USGA/VSGA GC
2 Spots
8:00 AM VSGA AM/Open Addison Lawrence / Ryan Meadows
Jay Carr VSGA eClub
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:40 AM VSGA AM/Open Connor Boughton / Jackson Gulley
John Ferguson The Water's Edge Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:40 AM VSGA AM/Open Blake Carter / Uzair Mirza
Josh Cummins VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:00 AM VSGA AM/Open Cutter Harvey / JD Cunningham
Mark Dill Danville Golf Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:10 AM VSGA AM/Open Anthony Dillon / Rand Stinson
Michael Fairbank USGA/VSGA GC
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:10 AM VSGA AM/Open Cody Cox / Patrick Burhop
Patrick Pritt USGA/VSGA GC
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:20 AM VSGA AM/Open Cameron Sharp / Grayden Laird
Patrick Burhop Magnolia Green Golf Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:10 AM VSGA AM/Open Cody Cox / Michael Fairbank
Raleigh Powell Halifax Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:30 AM VSGA AM/Open Adam Marshall / Chandler Runk
Rand Stinson Danville Golf Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:10 AM VSGA AM/Open Anthony Dillon / Mark Dill
Rusty Hooks VSGA Junior Golf Circuit
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:30 AM VSGA AM/Open Benjamin Ailsworth / Jack Adkins
Ryan Meadows Goodyear Golf Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
8:00 AM VSGA AM/Open Addison Lawrence / James Corbin
Solomon Park USGA/VSGA GC
2 Spots
8:50 AM VSGA AM/Open Bradley Taylor / Jake Hardy
Uzair Mirza Roanoke Country Club
3 Spots; 2 Spots
9:40 AM VSGA AM/Open Blake Carter / John Ferguson